Eva Grove

November 28, 1935 - May 31, 2023

Our mother, Eva Grove, passed away on 5/31/23 after a short but fierce illness. She died at home, supported and surrounded by those she loved.

Born in Vienna, Austria to Selma and Karl Kastan on 11/28/35, Eva spent her childhood years in Bolivia where she fled with her family after Kristelnacht, and later immigrated to the US where they settled in Queens, NY.

Her life was dedicated to giving back. She was inspired by her parents and guided by the motto of her alma mater, Hunter College; “The Care of the Future is Mine.”

She facilitated adoptions as a Santa Clara County social worker. She volunteered, once receiving the Golden Speculum Award from a local chapter of Planned Parenthood. She tutored immigrants, preparing them for their citizenship interviews. She canvassed, marched, wrote postcards, op-eds and letters and served on the board of her beloved Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC).


When asked about her religion she would say “Recycling” and her final wish was to be composted so that she could turn to soil for a forest and “become part of the world again.”


She was a skier, a hiker, a biker and a baker who specialized in adding raisins to just about everything. She baked birthday cakes for those she loved. We all, including every staff member of her foundation family, will remember this fondly.


She touched us with her quirky approach to daily life: her prolific use of her label maker, her collection of jams, her example of dancing at every occasion and her spirit of participation, which included a competitive game of musical chairs on a beach last August. She didn’t win the game, but she was surely the crowd favorite.


Eva was preceded in death by her husband, Andy and is survived by her two daughters and six grandchildren. She leaves behind old friends, her neighbors on Garland, her walking companions, her card playing best pals, the staff of her foundation and her extended family.


In lieu of flowers or tears, please rinse your containers before recycling and label your leftovers. She would kindly recommend that any donations in her honor be directed to the ILRC.  We invite you to visit Eva’s online remembrance here.

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About Recompose

Recompose is a licensed, full-service, green funeral home in Seattle offering human composting. As the first human composting company in the world, we are a trusted leader in ecological death care. We are Seattle’s only human composting provider and serve clients across the U.S.

Recompose Seattle
4 S. Idaho St, Seattle, WA 98134
Open by appointment


Voted Best Funeral Home in Seattle Times’ Best in the PNW Contest 2023



Land Acknowledgement
Recompose acknowledges we make our lives and livelihoods on the lands of the Coast Salish People, specifically the Duwamish People. We honor with gratitude the Duwamish People past and present, the land itself, and the Duwamish Tribe. Colonization is an active, persistent process. Indigenous communities continue to be resilient in protecting their ecological and cultural lifeways and deathways despite ongoing oppression. Recompose respects, shares, and supports this commitment to climate healing and environmental justice. Join Recompose in contributing to Real Rent Duwamish.