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We aim to set the standard for human composting and funeral care. Hear how clients, Precompose members, visitors, and investors are responding to our reimagined approached to the end-of-life experience.

Recent Awards

Voted Best Funeral Home in the Pacific Northwest in 2023


My mother chose composting as a way to give back to the earth. Recompose was amazing through all of it. Our family had a small viewing and they did an amazing job. Elaine was our guide through the process. She explained what to expect and was incredibly gracious and respectful. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Thank you.

Synneva R

Issaquah, Washington

I just wanted to say thank you for creating such a beautiful ceremony to send off my mom yesterday. It was moving, quiet, and meaningful. Members of the family called me after to say that the experience was healing for them in ways they had not expected.

Michelle M

Los Angeles, California

We are so grateful to Recompose for taking loving care of our father in his passing. The attention and love they shared in all aspects was breathtaking. We love that he is helping to regenerate this dear planet.

Linda S

Arlington, Virginia

I look forward to having my husband’s soil and knowing that he will live on in the soil life, the plant life, the trees, the habitats that he will provide as things grow thanks to him. I believe in what you are doing, it is the best way to live sustainably and in a regenerative way.

Heather S

Anchorage, Alaska

Recompose was the perfect choice for my brother. The staff were compassionate, turning an industrial process into a meaningful ritual our family cherished. His soil is now nurturing trees in gardens all across the Northwest. I talk with him every time I am weeding underneath my own trees. I love thinking of him spread under the roots of so many trees across the country.

Marie E

Bellingham, Washington

I attended the Zoom Laying-In Ceremony yesterday for Lily. I would like to thank you for such a wonderful end-of-life presentation and a meaningful goodbye to a very special person. It was uplifting to know that you provided a perfect ending to all she believed in.

Sharon U

Seattle, Washington

Thank you to the whole team from start to end of this process. It’s been such a warm and supportive experience in a world that’s been so difficult to navigate and unfamiliar to me. I can’t express my gratitude enough to the whole Recompose team for taking care of not only Justin, but also me. It meant a lot.

Una H

Seattle, Washington

Imagine nourishing a flower, a tree, or a forest ecosystem as the last material thing that you do here. Thank you Recompose for supporting dad in his final earthly gesture.

Victoria S

Seattle, Washington

The staff are skilled, compassionate, and have an innate ability to hold sacred space. From the time of my inquiry to the final funeral I was treated with respect and great kindness. This was a perfect way to honor my husband. The funeral service was done with such care that many people felt it was the most moving funeral they have ever been to.

Cindy W

Port Ludlow, Washington

Recompose deeply appreciates the emotional meaning of the service they are providing. Everything they do speaks directly to that meaning. From the serene “spa like” experience, to the thoughtfully designed containers, the message is always that there is beauty even in the unthinkable. It is a process that has provided some comfort to my family while helping us grieve.

Paul S

New York, New York

We had no idea the profound significance receiving the soil of our son for our personal use would have. We used it to plant a dogwood tree in our yard that can be seen from his childhood bedroom. Our yard has become a spiritual place where we go to talk to our son while he, in turn, nourishes his dogwood tree. Thank you for this beautiful gift.

Karen Y

Seattle, Washington

Everything was handled professionally and I was educated in the process. The laying-in ceremony was beautifully done and my family is forever grateful for Recompose. I really can’t say enough about how well Morgan treated me and my family. Just amazing!

Saraphina B

Renton, Washington

Literally every single step in this process just felt so meaningful and so bright. I expected for it to be a gut-wrenching process and that wasn’t my experience of it.

Laurel H

Seattle, Washington

My father planted trees at our property and asked to have the soil put around them when he passed. It was his favorite place. He’ll grow there with the trees, and we’ll always know he’s there.

Kristina J

Seattle, Washington

There’s just so much of the way Recompose does business…they’re very gentle, very knowledgeable, and extremely respectful. Everything about the process was just really gentle.

Shannon P

Seattle, Washington

We used Recompose for my wife’s mother when she died last year, and we appreciated the whole process and working with the staff.

Todd C

Bellingham, Washington

Thank you so much for all you do. Attending our friend’s ceremony at Recompose has confirmed that my husband and I have made the right decision in making our pre-arrangements with Recompose.

Recompose Client

Seattle, Washington

Recompose was just right for our family. My husband was an organic farmer and farm advisor. Having his body composted was his last gesture of love for the earth – giving all that remained of himself to encourage new life.

Jenifer B

Nevada City, California

Precompose Members

Recompose is such a beautiful place to lay a loved one to rest. The thoughtful design is evocative of being in a forest and serves as a gentle, lovely reminder of our connection to the natural world. And I cannot say enough about the kindness, knowledge, and generosity of the staff. Highly recommend.

Julie B

Portland, Oregon

I find the work you all are doing to be incredibly important. I love that inclusion is critical to Recompose and it makes me so happy that as a queer, BIPOC Precompose member, I can also stand behind the company and not just the product.

Anya B

Oakland, California

Precompose has given me a quiet sense of joy. A sense that in these senseless times, I can do something to ensure that my death does not cause more harm to the environment.

Precompose Member

Seattle, Washington

When the time comes, I will not be able to express my relief and thanks that Recompose has made turning into a forest possible. Knowing this is all prepared gives me a special peace and helps me live the rest of my life in greater grace.

Marnia S

Baker City, Oregon

I’m a Precompose member because human composting is deeply aligned with my values. I love that I can embody and express my values in my death as I also strive to do in my life.

Susan S

San Francisco, California

Recompose staff are professional, kind and helpful. I toured their Seattle facility with my family and was impressed with the lovely surroundings. I am glad to have signed up for Precompose, the pre-planning option. My children were comfortable and satisfied with my choice.

Constance M

Cashmere, Washington

Recompose seems the most gentle, logical, and respectful way to return our molecules to Mother Earth when we’ve finished with them. Thank you for providing us with this perfect way to close our final chapter.

Precompose Member

Seattle, Washington

Phenomenal place, practice, and business. So deserving of the “Best Funeral Home” in 2023. I’m an early adopter, nearly paid in full, with not one regret. Supporting all my values so supremely, I will continue to spread the word, now, having taken the tour, with even more resolve and understanding.

Shannon M

San Francisco, California

If you’ve been considering human composting for your end-of-life plans, definitely go and take the tour. I immediately signed up for a payment plan afterwards. Thank you for giving me a choice in the final impact my life will have on this beautiful world I am so lucky to live in.

Melissa S

Redmond, Washington

The idea that I may be able to reduce my carbon footprint in death, in a way that is still impactful to those I may leave behind, and to fulfill life in ways that I’ve always cherished (forestry and gardening) is the simplest and most elemental way I feel I can prepare for death.

Kiri S

Seattle, Washington

We just completed a tour of Recompose and I’m even happier with my decision to go to them when I pass. Recompose is a warm and peaceful place filled with plants and beautiful nature photography. The people are kind and very knowledgeable. Everything is dedicated to the person who passed in a very respectful and caring way.

Lise L

Everett, Washington

Thoroughly professional, peaceful, respectful. Staff is motivated by solid ecological and humane values. Not just in it for a profit. Glad I signed up when Recompose first launched in 2019.

Kenneth T

Seattle, Washington

I am grateful that Seattle has Recompose. Both my partner and I have purchased their services for when we pass because this is a quality organization providing a quality service. The tour confirmed that we have clearly made the right choice in sustainability for the planet when we pass.

Jim C

Seattle, Washington

The space is beautiful. The sanctuary space is soaring and reverent, and very evocative of its purpose: a chance to do one last good thing for the earth. Cannot say I can’t wait to get there (!), but we all signed up. So happy to have this option.

Suzanne A

Seattle, Washington

Tour Attendees

Recompose is stunningly gorgeous. It’s a beautiful clean space, a careful and tender atmosphere, and luscious green imagery all around. The Gathering Space has tall ceilings and the illusion of sunbeams coming through the trees. Who knew it was possible to create such a sacred space in the middle of the industrial area of Seattle?

Nika N

Puyallup, Washington

The love and care that is shown by the team with every step of the process is exemplary, supportive, respectful, and compassionate. What a wonderful and natural way to handle death and offer back the body to the earth.

Katherine D

Seattle, Washington

The facility was spotless and well-designed, including a lovely sanctuary space for family and friends to say goodbye. The staff was very knowledgeable and clearly sensitive as to the sacredness of their work. Recompose has set a high standard as the premier provider of this earth-friendly alternative to traditional burial or cremation.

Stephanie M

Seattle, Washington

The facility is so comforting and welcoming, you’d think it was a spa. Everything about Recompose is so well-thought, and I really appreciate the effort that the team has put into making the process of human composting more accessible, beautiful, and exciting.

Noah S

Seattle, Washington

I was delighted by the hospitality, graciousness, and care exhibited by the professional staff. The tour was educational and informative, with no hint of sales pitch.

Julie B

Seattle, Washington

The aesthetics give such a calming energy, every aspect reminds you that by being there instead of a traditional funeral home, you are doing good for the environment, the earth, and your fellow humans.

Lorie P

Arvada, Colorado

I went on a tour with my parents who signed up for Precompose. It was meaningful to visit the place where they will be transformed into soil after death. A beautiful, peaceful, and thoughtfully created space reflective of nature with warm, welcoming, and knowledgeable staff who honor each person coming through their doors.

Cayce C

Seattle, Washington

Seeing where it all happens, and learning the process of returning bodies to their fundamental building blocks, was enlightening and uplifting. The facility is lovely.


Seattle, Washington

What a wonderful experience! The tour exceeded our expectations. It was so nice to hear from Katrina herself about the evolution of Recompose and to be able to see all the different rooms and parts of the process. Highly recommend a visit!

Sarah L

Fort Collins, Colorado

It’s obvious that they are sincere in their mission to provide quality, ecological, compassionate care at the end of life. The space is warm and inviting. It’s evident that the care and various possibilities are catered to the families’ needs. An exceptional funeral home changing the death care landscape with gentle kindness.

Candace P

Seattle, Washington

Washington is so fortunate to have human composting as an alternative option to conventional cemetery burial and cremation. Katrina and her team offer super informative tours of this facility in Seattle. I just attended one and highly recommend it for any and all!

Angie W

Seattle, Washington

I felt comfortable and welcomed from the moment I stepped inside the contemporary and tasteful greeting area. Who has had that feeling before at a funeral home?! The staff are highly knowledgeable, friendly, and clearly committed to this exciting, new and much needed technology.

Dorje D

Honolulu, Hawaii

The Recompose facility in Seattle is an uplifting place. The tour showed how thoughtfully people are treated – those who have just died and those left behind, from the Cedar Room for private last visits and rituals, to the gathering room for services and farewells, to the Greenhouse, pristine and peaceful.

Mindy K

Saint Paul, Minnesota

I attended a tour at Recompose in Seattle and I found the whole experience caring, thoughtful, gentle, and full of wisdom. Additionally, the facility is well designed with many natural touches. In a word: welcoming. The cycle of life is preserved through their process.

Ann L

Seattle, Washington

Recompose has created a thoughtful, warm, and inviting place. A healthy and meaningful connection that reframes our relationship to nature in our last act and supports a critical cultural shift.

Deb G

Seattle, Washington

Katrina’s passion about human composting and the environment is obvious. I am sure her caring persona will carry over to the services that she is providing to everyone.

Eric V

Seattle, Washington

Great care and intention that has gone into the design of the space and the services offered. It is comforting to know that one’s wishes for a natural burial process can occur under the care of such a thoughtful and intentional team. The staff is truly kind, caring, and practiced at holding space for the bereaved, as well as the community.

Nicole L

Seattle, Washington

I felt calm the minute I stepped through the door. The design inside and out is inspired by the outdoors and spoke to my love of the forest and nature. The attention to detail is incredible. I feel very fortunate to have this facility close to me and an available option to traditional burial methods.

Carol M

Seattle, Washington

The facility was so beautiful and peaceful, the decor was very thoughtful and invoked a strong sense of nature and elegance. The staff were incredibly kind and knowledgeable about the process. We left feeling so warm and hopeful for the future of natural death care. This really does feel like a crucial step into an eco-friendly future.

Jay C

Kirkland, Washington

I went on a tour of the facility and was SO impressed. It was everything I hoped it would be and more – so sensitive, so ecological, so moral, so personal. It’s very pleasing to think that human remains, my remains, will be turned into nutrient rich soil that can be used to grow new plant life. I like that.

Sally B

Seattle, Washington

I was impressed with how thoughtfully they created a welcoming, respectful, and beautiful space, and the care going into the whole process. Katrina and her team genuinely offer their best and want that to be so for everyone.

Bonnie B

Seattle, Washington

I had a great experience last night on the Pride Community Tour. The team was great at providing more information on death care and the process. There was also so much helpful information on how members of the Queer community can make sure that they are honored and respected. Thank you.

Basil D

Seattle, Washington


I invested in Recompose because I believe in Katrina and Recompose’s mission, technology, and team. I also invested because I would like to be composted when I die. I believe that one day, human composting will become as popular or more popular than cremation. Leave the earth better than you found it by composting your body.

Maura R

Truro, Massachusetts

It is hard to explain how deeply I feel about this. Simultaneously, it is a meaningful, symbolic, spiritual ritual while also being the most sensible, natural, effective, and efficient physical act. I want to be part of something that honors life, supports the grief process, and just makes sense.

Cindy T

Olympia, Washington

This is an industry that is long overdue for a disruption and I love and agree with many parts of your mission. My personal view is this is a much more gentle, healing, and beautiful option for transitioning from our living bodies and I’m glad its access is expanding.

Bridget L

Forest Park, Illinois

I worked at a cemetery and saw firsthand the environmental toll of traditional burials. Recompose is a disruptor focused on reducing the funeral industry’s environmental impact with its groundbreaking human composting technology. I’m investing in Recompose because I believe Katrina and her team have the expertise to revolutionize the industry.

Jill K

New York, New York

I’ve seen Katrina’s impressive journey as a founder. Powerful mission, ace technology, competitive pricing, promising team, and community-building momentum, and impressive legislative efforts. The raise allowed for minimum investments and am excited to contribute to this sustainable transformation of death care practices from burning to blossoming.

Jeremy E

Glen Mills, Pennsylvania

I appreciate Katrina’s long-term vision and willingness to pursue being methodical and doing it right. Pleased to participate in Recompose’s growth and re-imagining of how we approach the end of life and the disposition of our bodies.

Shannon M

Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

As investors we are confident in the tenacity of founder and CEO Katrina Spade and her team to lead growth in this company while staying on the forefront of the science, engineering, and death care needs of this industry. We have been waiting for this moment to put our money where our hearts are. Let’s do this!

Jennifer H

Sacramento, CA

I have been following Recompose for the past couple of years. Nothing gives me more peace of mind than to support a queer-owned, environmentally-sound, science-based, innovative, community-focused business for my (and others) exit plan from this earthly experience!

Pat F

Port Angeles, Washington

I invested because the current model is unsustainable. People are actively looking for new opportunities to do something more with their bodies at the end of life and those in the green frame of mind will spend more than a normal funeral to feel better about how they leave the planet.

Brooke P

Miami, Florida

Recompose is an amazing end-of-life alternative for folks who would like a more natural post-death option. The Recompose facility is warm and inviting and offers state-of-the-art human composting, as well as compassionate care for grieving friends and family. Recompose staff are lovely and helpful.

Barcy B

Seattle, Washington

I worked in the funeral industry. I know the contamination of Earth that results from current standards in place in most states. If you are willing to work this hard to change the industry, I’m willing to invest what I can to help.

Melanie T

Bothell, Washington

My husband and I believe that green options need to be available for our bodies when we die. We love that there’s an option that allows you to give back to the earth and want to help Recompose grow.

Patricia O

Kensington, Maryland

For many years I’ve been concerned with the toxicity of human bodies continuing to pollute the Earth even after death. I feel it is absolutely necessary to reinvent the funeral industry, with a process that has the least impact on natural resources and renders us non-toxic to the planet after our passing.

Violeta L

Los Angeles, California

I have been watching Recompose for a long time and would love to see access to this beautiful and environmentally solid way of death care reach the masses. I consider my investment a win for your company, for me, for people, and for the environment, and am rooting for you.

Angela M

Madison Heights, Michigan

I support your eco-conscious sustainable mission and underrepresented founder. This a great idea, and met all the criteria I look for as a investor.

Marisa A

Roselle, New Jersey

I have been following your company from the beginning! If this investment in some small way propels this movement, it means that my grandkids will experience a profoundly connected world in the future.

Ann M

Parkville, Missouri

I believe in the future of this company, I value what Recompose values, and I want to be composted. I must invest in the future I want to have. Thank you for all of your vision and work!

Geneva G

Seattle, Washington

I have followed Kate Spade’s journey over many years, from the time I saw her first prototype for human composting. I believe in her work. I am also a Precompose member and believe this is the future of death care in the world; a big step toward healing Mother Earth and providing compassionate care to the deceased and their loved ones.

Sheila L

Cayce, South Carolina

This is something that I’ve often thought about, the toxins and chemicals involved with end of life processes. I knew I didn’t want that for myself but also didn’t really know what my options were. I’m so happy and honored to be able to support your efforts to disrupt the death care space!

Courtney O

Seattle, Washington

As a Roman Catholic priest, I recognize only human composting fulfills the Catholic prayer of Commital: “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” Having borrowed my body from the earth for 75 years, it’s only right that my body not only returns to the earth, but enhances it. “And God saw it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

Joe V

Maryknoll, New York

To return to the earth through natural cycles and regeneration of new life is beautiful. Here’s to giving our lives to the causes that warm our hearts and bring smiles to our faces, and leave the world better than we found it.

Sarah D

Seattle, Washington

For years I’ve been looking for greener alternatives to traditional burial and cremation. My husband and I have been composting for decades and this just feels right for us.

Claire D

Dekalb, Illinois

I hate the idea of precious ground being used for graveyards. The waste of natural resources in so many ways. I recently learned of the environmental costs of cremation, although that was going to be my go-to because green burial grounds are difficult to find. This is a wonderful alternative.

Tracy D

Austin, Texas